Application to Ph. D.

The PhD programme in Physics at Politecnico di Milano (see the Regulation for PhD programmes at Politecnico di Milano) aims at nourish the close nexus between applied and fundamental research. The activity of the PhD students is mainly experimental and takes place in the laboratories of the Physics Department in the Campuses of Milano Leonardo and Como. PhD students are also expected to take some classes and attend advanced seminars on physics-related topics. Thanks to the active collaborations the Physics Department has with many research centres and both Italian and foreign Universities, PhD students have the chance to live enriching experiences and spend some periods outside the Department, to carry out research and/or educational activities.

The topics of the PhD programme are focused on the active research lines of the Physics Department.

How to apply

The admission to the PhD course takes place after a selection and is ruled by a PhD call. Information is available at website


Prof. Marco Finazzi

Tel: (+39) 02 2399 6177

Prof. Salvatore Stagira

Tel: (+39) 02 2399 6082

Sig.ra Daniela Rossi

Tel: (+39) 02 2399 6169